Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Review of World Learner Chinese

World Learner Chinese is an Internet-based language learning program using audio files that you can listen to online or download as mp3 files. along with transcripts of the audio and exercises to practice what you’ve learned.
Each lesson consists of an audio recording that presents a Chinese monologue, dialogue, or vocabulary lesson followed by an explanation of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.
Each lesson is around ten minutes, making it easy to study in small bursts between other activities.
The program is based out of Taipei, so language learners in other places, such as Beijing, may notice some differences in accent and phrasing.
One problem I had with the program is that it jumped straight into tones without really explaining what tones actually are and how they work. Granted, this information can easily be found online.
If your style of learning is primarily listen-and-repeat, this might be a good program for you to try in your quest to learn to speak Mandarin.
The newsletter hasn’t been updated since April 2009, so I’m not sure whether any new material has been added since that point, but the basic audio files are enough to keep you busy for a while regardless.
The initial 26 lessons are free, although you’ll have to scroll through them backwards to get to the beginning.
The cost for a subscription is $30 for 3 months, $57 for 6 months, and $105 for 12 months.

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